
How to Create Your Ideal Life (Excerpt from Individual Power)

 When I lost it all, I felt powerless. During my darkest hours, I wrote letters to God asking "why?" I received answers in writing. If you have either lost it all, or you are not passionately thrilled with your life, here is how you can turn it all around. It is easy! If you stop to consider what's on your mind most of the time, I think you'll find that your thoughts focus on those areas of your life that you are not happy about. People who have achieved self-love and who are fulfilling their life's passion in their work reached joy only by going through a process that was fraught with self-doubt, fear, insecurity, rejection, low self-worth, pain, and hard life lessons. I compared myself to others who were successful and wondered, "What is wrong with me?" I wondered, "Why is my life like that of a person with a Ph.D. driving a cab?" I would look at women I admired and ask myself, "Why are they successful, fulfilling their dreams in joyful

Is There Healing After An Affair Or Are You Scarred For Life?

Is your marriage on shaky ground because your husband or wife has an emotional connection with someone else? If so, you may be looking for an emotional affair recovery system to help you save your marriage. It's not uncommon for some one to have a connection with some one else but, when it becomes emotional, it is just a matter of time before he or she crosses the line. Emotional infidelity in marriage can be just as bad as committing adultery. Yes, it seems harmless after all they are just texting each other. What's the harm in that? The harm is this, as they continue to communicate with each other the more closer they become. The closer they become leads to a full blown love affair. There are some warning signs emotional affair is going on behind your back. Here are a few you may have noticed but, did not think to much of. Is he or she spending long hours on social network sites? Do they receive text messages they do not won't you to read? Are they leaving out of the room